Project Housing Reform Helsinki Ideas Competition
Location Finland
Year 2019
Status 1st Prize
Our winning entry, “kohtaamisten kaupunki” for the Housing Reform Helsinki 2020 Ideas Competition challenges the preconceived ideas of urban design in a paradigm shift towards co-creation and participatory design in urban planning. Flexibility of housing solutions, social integration, shared facilities and services, ecology, and inclusive urban spaces are major intertwined themes of the design. The proposal was made in collaboration with researchers Helena Leino, Mikko Kyrönviita, Katja Maununaho, and Markus Laine
Location Finland
Year 2019
Status 1st Prize
Our winning entry, “kohtaamisten kaupunki” for the Housing Reform Helsinki 2020 Ideas Competition challenges the preconceived ideas of urban design in a paradigm shift towards co-creation and participatory design in urban planning. Flexibility of housing solutions, social integration, shared facilities and services, ecology, and inclusive urban spaces are major intertwined themes of the design. The proposal was made in collaboration with researchers Helena Leino, Mikko Kyrönviita, Katja Maununaho, and Markus Laine